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Please submit abstracts online by March 10, 2025.

Late submissions will not be accepted, and this deadline will NOT be extended. 

Kicking off the Symposium with Lunch and Lightning Talks!


Submissions must clearly indicate the following:



  • Title – Limit 25 words using sentence case (i.e., capitalize the first word while the remaining words begin in lowercase). Provide a succinct title that should ideally contain a reference to the study design.

  • Authors/Affiliations

  • Abstract Body

  1. Length 250 words (not including title, authors and affiliations or keywords) written in single space

  2. Tables and figures are not permitted

  • Keywords – maximum of 5

  • Funding Acknowledgement – if required



Please also note the following submission guidelines:

  1. Writing must be concise, clear, and grammatically correct.

  2. Technical information pertaining to observations and conclusions cannot be withheld for proprietary reasons. It is not acceptable to state that “results will be discussed.”

  3. All abbreviations should be defined when first used.

  4. If used, references should be given in parentheses without authors or title by provided Index-Medicus-listed Journal abbreviations without punctuation followed by the year, volume number and inclusive page numbers (e.g., Clin Biochem 2002;35:151-169).



All authors should note the following information:

  1. All presenting authors must register for the conference and pay the registration fees to be selected for the presentation.

  2. The best abstract submissions will be selected for oral presentation, and the remaining selected abstracts will be required to prepare a poster. 

  3. All abstract authors (trainees and non-trainees) should be present at their poster on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at 18:00. 

  4. The poster judging contest will take place on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at 18:00. Only trainees presenting as authors will be included in the contest. 

  5. There will be lightning talks available to abstract authors (trainees and non-trainees) on Thursday, May 8, 2025, at 12:30. One slide per abstract, a 2-minute presentation. Please note on the abstract form if you want to participate. 

Precision therapy and biomarkers in IMDs, from cellular models to clinical trials


McMaster University Continuing Professional Development Office Logo

For Information


Darlene McCormack, CMP, Program and Events Coordinator

McMaster University, Continuing Professional Development Office (CPD)

905-525-9140 ext. 22990


David Braley Health Sciences Centre
100 Main Street West, 5th Floor, Room 5004
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8P 1H6

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